Showing posts with label physical education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physical education. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Why study physical education

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Why study physical education?

Physical education supports the curriculum’s vision for our young people of enabling students to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.
Physical education helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live healthy and physically active lives at school and for the rest of their life. They learn ‘in, through, and about’ movement, gaining an understanding that movement is integral to human expression and can contribute to people’s pleasure and enhance their lives.

Learning in physical education

Promotes active lifestyles

Students are empowered to participate in physical activity and understand how this influences their own well-being and that of others. By demonstrating the benefits of an active life style, they encourage others to participate in sport, dance, exercise, recreation, and adventure pursuits.

Learn What is Physical Education

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Physical education is a course that focuses on developing physical fitness in the youth. 
To understand what physical education, we must understand physical fitness which it intends to promote. Physical fitness is comprised of the following:
Cardiovascular fitness - This is the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver the oxygen your body needs for its daily tasks. This is the fitness component that is addressed by such aerobic activities as brisk walking, jogging, running, dancing and swimming.
Strength - This is the amount physical power that a muscle or group of muscles can use against a weight or resistance. This is addressed by such activities as weight lifting and body weight training.
Endurance -This is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeat movements or hold a position over a certain period of time. Long-distance running is an activity that helps to develop endurance.
Flexibility - This refers to the body's range of movement. Pilates, yoga and gymnastics help promote this particular fitness component.
Body composition - This refers to the ratio of the body's fat component vs. its lean mass. Exercises that address cardiovascular fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility also promote the reduction of fat and the build-up of muscle.

The inclusion of activities that the students can use for life, like brisk walking, Frisbee and bowling. The principle behind this is that if students learn to like these activities early, they can easily adopt these into their current lifestyle and even carry them into adulthood.
The inclusion of non-traditional sports - This makes Physical Education a cultural immersion at the same time. It teaches cultural sensitivity and can be a lot of fun.
Patterning the Physical Education program after health club programs - The advantage of this is that the student is exposed to a whole variety of activities that can only make Physical Education more fun for her. Here, the student may do Tae-bo one day and do yoga the next. The combination of cardio and strength training activities also promote overall fitness.
Adopting a sports league model - In this scenario, the Physical Education class is run like a sports league. Students take turns playing the roles of referees, players, scorers and coaches. This aims to develop the students into better-rounded, balanced individuals.
Including martial arts and self-defense - Not only do these activities capture the interest of the students - they also promote their safety and well-being. This is a practical improvement on the usual Physical Education program.
Inclusions of health and nutrition topics - Most Physical Education programs in the US include health and nutrition topics such as the following: hygiene, stress and anger management, self-esteem and bullying. Some states even require that Physical Education teachers are also certified as Health teachers.

Exposure to technological enhancements - Students are taught how to use modern gym equipment as well as other fitness-related devices such as pedometers and heart-rate monitors.
Although the primary goal of Physical Education is still to promote the physical fitness and well-being of each student, all these trends and advancements have changed the face of Physical Education forever. Music, Gym and Math will never be the same!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

History of Bio-mechanics

               History of Bio-mechanics
Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) Born 2400 years ago, taught that we could not begin to understand the world around us until we understood our own nature. As scientists who seek knowledge of the mechanics within their own bodies, and those of other living creatures, we share something of Socrates’ inward inquiry. Fortunately, we do not share the public abuse that he suffered, and which led him, as an old man of 70, to be tried, convicted, and executed for “impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens.”

Plato (424 BC – 348 BC) The execution of Socrates had a profound affect on Plato, 51 years his junior and a member of the Athenian aristocracy. He began the philosophical inquiries that set forth most of the important problems and concepts of Western philosophy, psychology, and logic, as well as politics. Plato postulated a realm of ideas that existed independently of the sensory world, and considered observations and experiments worthless. However, he also believed that mathematics, a system of pure ideas, was the best tool for the pursuit of knowledge. His conceptualization of mathematics as the life force of science created the necessary womb for the birth and growth of mechanics.

Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) At age 17, Aristotle, the son of a physician in northern Greece, went to Athens to study at Plato’s academy. Aristotle had a remarkable talent for observation and was fascinated by anatomy and structure of living things. Indeed, Aristotle might be considered the first biomechanician. He wrote the first book called “De Motu Animalium” – On the Movement of Animals. He not only saw animals’ bodies as mechanical systems, but pursued such questions as the physiological difference between imagining performing an action and actually doing it. Aristotle eventually departed from Plato’s philosophy so far as to advocate qualitative, common sense science, purged of mathematics. However, his advocacy of syllogistic logic, the drawing of conclusions from assumed postulates, gave us the deductive method of modern science. Thus, in the span of a century ending 2300 years ago, three men identified our most fundamental scientific tools: deductive reasoning and mathematical reasoning. And in addition, biomechanics was born!

Galen (AD 129 – 200) With the fall of Greece and the rise of the Roman Empire, natural philosophy waned in favor of technology. The second century anatomist, Galen, physician to the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, comes and goes, leaving his monumental work, On the Function of the Parts (meaning the parts of the human body) as the world’s standard medical text for the next 1,400 years. He used number to describe muscles. His essay De Motu Musculorum (On the Movements of Muscles) distinguished between motor and sensory nerves, agonist and antagonist muscles, described tonus, and introduced terms such as diarthrosis and synarthrosis. He taught that muscular contraction resulted from the passage of “animal spirits” from the brain through the nerves to the muscles. Snook (1978) suggested that some writers consider his treatise the first textbook on kinesiology, and he has been termed “the father of sports medicine.” Due to his era’s discouragement of human dissection, the majority of Galen’s work was based on the dissections of dogs, pigs, and apes. Nothing like another biomechanician is seen for a long, long time.

Basic Bio-mechanics: Terms and Definitions

Basic Bio-mechanics: Terms and Definitions

Bio-mechanics is a fascinating field. Possessing sufficient knowledge in this area is paramount for properly understanding resistance training. I try my best to educate my readers so that over time they can build upon their knowledge and reach superior levels of understanding with regards to human movement.
I have listed some definitions below that I would like for my readers to try to familiarize themselves with as it will allow them to better comprehend future blog-posts, articles, videos, and interviews. I created a special tab on the right hand column of the blog named “Bio-mechanics Terminology” so you can find this particular article whenever you need it.
Force: force equals mass times acceleration and is a vector quantity, meaning that it’s displayed in a particular direction. Force is usually measured in Newtons.
GRFs: GRF stands for ground reaction force. When you jump, sprint, or perform an Olympic lift, you exert force into the ground. Force-plates measure these forces. During vertical jumping, most of the force produced is vertical. However, in sprinting, you have vertical forces as well as horizontal forces. When the foot strikes the ground during maximum speed sprinting, at first the force is projected forward which is called braking forces, and once the COM passes over the foot, the force is projected rearward which is called propulsive forces. In general, force, including GRF, is measured in Newtons.
Muscle Force: when muscles contract or are stretched, they create muscle force. This muscle force pulls on bones which creates joint torque. In general, force, including muscle force, is measured in Newtons.
Velocity: velocity is the rate of change of position of the athlete. It’s just like the term speed, but with a direction associated with it. It is usually measured in meters per
second, but can also be expressed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour.
Vector: vectors contain both magnitudes and directions. Force, velocity, and acceleration are all vector quantities.
Force-Velocity Curve: you can plot the force-velocity curve on a graph by plotng force on the y-axis and velocity on the x-axis. In strength & conditioning, the goal is to shift the curve upward and to the right so that the athlete can exhibit more force and power at every possible load. Heavy strength training tends to shift the curve more on the force end of the spectrum, whereas explosive training tends to shift the curve more on the velocity end of the spectrum.
Joint Angular Velocity: joints in the human body move through arcs and therefore accelerate through a range of angular motion. Joint angular velocity is the rate of change of joint movement, often measured in degrees per second or radians per second.
Acceleration: acceleration examines the rate of change of velocity with respect to time, and is typically reported in meters per second per second (meters per second
Power: power is the rate of doing work. It is calculated either by dividing work by time, or by multiplying force by velocity. Power is usually reported in watts.
Joint Power: it is possible to measure the power output of individual joints during movement by multiplying the torque by the joint angular velocity. It is usually reported in Newton-meters per second.
RFD: RFD stands for rate of force development and can be measured in multiple ways. RFD is believed to be highly important in sports that require rapid force generation. It is usually measured in Newtons per second.
RTD: RTD stands for rate of torque development and is usually measured in Newton-meters per second.
RER: RER stands for rate of EMG rise and represents the rate of increase in muscle activation. RER is typically measured in % of MVC per millisecond or millivolts per second.
Impulse: impulse is force multiplied by time (actually it’s the sum of net force, or the force that influences acceleration, multiplied by time over a phase of interest), and is sometimes calculated by taking the area under the forcetime curve. It is typically reported in newton-seconds.